Mission Statement
Founded in 2015, Phénix Opera Company seeks to create a nurturing environment for local
artists especially artists of color. We firmly believe that artists should be locally fostered so
they can provide high quality art and performances to their own community, stimulating it
and shaping it.
We believe that classical music and opera should be accessible to everyone, regardless of
their race and socio-economic circumstances. Therefore, we provide the community with
high-quality performances at small to medium venues at an accessible price. We
particularly aim to attract POC to our audiences, including but not limited to the Latinx and
African-American communities.
It is important to the company, to be a facilitator between our artists and their communities
through our productions. Opera companies that hire exclusively local talent are rare. The
philosophy behind the company’s decision relies on a deep rooted belief that the
perpetuation of this beautiful art form will be successful if we offer our local communities
productions performed by members of their community. The connection between audiences
and performers will become more significant since they will be supporting each other,
seeing each other grow, evolve, and their sense of gratitude will strengthen this relationship.
As in politics, the way to achieve meaningful and lasting change, begins with actions taken
within your local community.